


牡丹江师范学院 20147


本届研讨会的主题定为“创新与发展”(Creativity and Development)。创新是人类特有的认识能力和实践能力,是推动民族进步和社会发展的不竭动力。新的时代要求我们以全球的视野谋划和推动创新,以开放的眼光和开阔的视野发展中澳两国关系,将中澳两国的战略伙伴关系提高到一个新的高度。请各位专家、学者就中国与澳大利亚在新时期、新形势下的交流与合作发表您的真知灼见,进一步推动中国澳大利亚研究事业的全面发展。


²      澳大利亚气候、环保与历史;

²      澳大利亚在亚洲和中国的呈现;

²      澳大利亚国际关系、公共外交;

²      澳大利亚语言、文学和翻译;

²      中国梦、澳大利亚梦和世界未来;

²      世界和平、争端解决方法;

²      澳大利亚文化和表现艺术;

²      澳大利亚健康和医疗保障;

²      中澳政治、经济、文化和教育交流与合作;

²      其它相关领域

会议的工作语言为英语。用中文提交和宣读论文的参会者,请提供论文的英文摘要。会议回执的截止日期为20131130日,会议论文题目和摘要的截止日期为2014220日,请填写回执和电子版论文摘要并按指定日期提交给张荣升老师:mnuasc2014@163.com ;







Creativity and Development:

The 14th Australian Studies Conference in China

July 2014

Mudanjiang Normal University

        Scholars are invited to participate in the 14th International Conference of Australian Studies in China, which will be        hosted by Mudanjiang Normal University from July 11 to July 14, 2014. The Conference is to be sponsored by the Australia China Council under Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and supported by the National Association of Australian Studies in China.

The theme of the conference is Creativity and Development. Creativity is a unique cognitive and practical ability for human beings, an inexhaustible driving force for promoting national progress and social development. The times call for the planning and facilitation of creativity with a global vision, requiring us to develop Sino-Australian relationship with a broad vision and an open perspective, advancing the China-Australia strategic partnership to a higher level. Participants are invited to share their insights and opinions on the communication and cooperation between China and Australia from a new perspective. Your ideas will be conducive to the overall development of Australian Studies in China.

The Conference welcomes papers discussing topics in the following areas:

v           Australian climate and environmental protection;

v           Australian representation in Asia and China;

v           Australian international relations and public policies;

v           Australian language, literature and translation;

v           Chinese dream, Australia dream and the future of the world;

v           World peace and methods of dispute settlement;

v           Australian culture and expressive art;

v           Australian health and health policy;

v           Political, economical, cultural and educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia;

v           any other related topics.

The working language of the conference is English. Participants who submit and present their papers in Chinese are requested to distribute an English abstract of the paper at the Conference. Please return the receipt by November 30, 2013 and the abstract of your paper by February 20, 2014 to Mr. Zhang Rongsheng at mnuasc2014@163.com respectively.

For graduate students, the conference will organize a special seminar in order to display their originality and promote their in-depth communication with other scholars. Graduate participants are invited to design a poster on their own and the conference will host a poster competition contest and the three best contestants will be presented with certificates and an award of 2000 Yuan for each.

Participants are welcome to take a visit to Jingpo Lake, the national scenic area, and the Volcano Crater National Forest Park, as well as Bohaiguo Historical Museum. They are also welcome to take part in cultural activities after the conference.

Information about the Conference will appear on the official website of Australian Studies in China , www.austudies.org.cn .



The Organizing Committee of the 14th International Conference of Australian Studies in China

Australian Studies Centre, Mudanjiang Normal University

June 2013


            The 14th International Conference of Australian Studies in China Return Receipt.doc










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