


申请截止日期为2013920日。咨询与联系人可参见 附件。


Dear Australian Studies Colleague,


The purpose of this letter is to invite applications for the 2013-14 round of the Australia-China Council’s (ACC) Competitive Projects Funding scheme. Please find enclosed copies of all the relevant documentation for applications for this round of funding. The closing date for applications to be submitted is 20 September 2013.


The enclosed documents are:


Competitive Projects Funding Application Form Information Sheet: Competitive Projects and Output Awards Australian Studies Programme Funding Conditions Acceptance Form for Host Institutions


Some minor changes have been made to the form, so it is important you pay close attention to the questions asked and that you use this year’s form. Note that if your research involves travel to Australia it is your responsibility to contact scholars or institutions in Australia and to submit a Host Institution acceptance form with your application. This is compulsory for student applications and strongly recommended for academic staff applications.


The Competitive Projects Funding scheme invites applications for funding to support the following Australian Studies activities:


Research: at least half of the annual Competitive Projects funding is reserved for projects which include research in Australia. Graduate students are encouraged to apply. Curriculum and Faculty development: funding assistance to develop new courses and programs in Australian Studies or add new Australian content to existing courses, and/or to provide professional development for university teachers of Australian Studies. Publishing subsidies: includes journals and book publication and electronic publications. Applications must be accompanied by a letter from a recognised publisher stating their agreement to publish and any attached conditions. (A maximum amount of $4000 is set for publishing subsidies.) Australian Studies initiatives: examples might include special events; the development of websites or electronic publications; conferences and seminars; other public, educational or community activities.


Note that requests for purchasing resources (books and other research or teaching materials) can be included in Competitive Project applications. These requests must be linked to a specific research project or curriculum development initiative (see Information Sheet). The ACC’s Book Gifts programme now only applies to major library collections.


Electronic copies of the attached Competitive Projects Funding Application Form will be sent by e-mail and will be posted on the ACC’s website.


Please note the e-mail address for correspondence in relation to the ACC’s Australian Studies programs: austudies.china@uq.edu.au



As Project Manager of the ACC’s Australian Studies in China programme I look forward to working with you to support Australian studies activities. Please circulate the Application Forms as widely as possible among suitable colleagues and graduate students.



Yours sincerely,

Professor David Carter


Professor of Australian Literature and Cultural History

School of English, Media Studies and Art History

The University of Queensland

St Lucia QLD 4072


Tel:   61 7 3365 2265

Fax:  61 7 3365 2799

Mob: 0423 025 993

CP application 13-14
CP Australian host institution Acceptance Form 13-14
CP Covering Letter 13-14
CP Funding conditions 13-14

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