

  • 姓名:张薇
  • 职称:教授
  • 导师类别:博士研究生导师
  • 电子邮箱:today@pku.edu.cn




美国哥伦比亚大学教育学院博士(1997年- 2003年)




现代外语教育: 世界英语,语言评价









张薇. 2013.《英语数字素养评价研究》. 金沙8888js官方出版社.



Zhang, Wei. 2015. Multilingual creativity on China’s Internet. World Englishes 34 (2), 231-246. [SSCI-indexed]

Kingsley, Bolton, Botha, Werner and Zhang, Wei. 2015. English in China: A contemporary bibliography. World Englishes 34 (2), 282-292. [SSCI-indexed]

Zhang, Wei. 2015. The shifting representation of common people in China’s news media. Journal of Language & Politics 14 (2), 285-308. [SSCI-indexed]

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2014. “SlutWalk” on connected screens: Multiple framings of a social media discussion. Journal of Pragmatics 73, 66-81. [SSCI-indexed]

Kramarae, Cheris and Zhang, Wei. 2013. An invitational approach to gender and language research. 《语言学研究》, 第12期,19-28页.

Zhang, Wei. 2012. Chinese-English code-mixing among China’s netizens. English Today 28 (3), 40-52. [SSCI-indexed]

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2012. Are Chinese women turning sharp-tongued? Discourse & Society 23 (6), 749-770. [SSCI-indexed]

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2012. Women, big Ideas, and social networking: Hidden assumptions. In Rekha Pande, Theo van der Weide, and Nicole Flipsen (Eds.), Globalization, Technology Diffusion and Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICT, 70-82. Hersey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Zhang, Wei. 2010. Blogging for Doing English Digital: Student evaluations. Computers & Composition 27 (4), 266-283.

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2008. Feminist invitational collaboration in a digital age: Looking over disciplinary and national borders. Women & Language 36 (2), 9-19.

Zhang, Wei and Hill, Clifford. 2007. Assessing digital literacy skills for a new College English curriculum. In Hu Wenzhong and Wen Qiufang (Eds.), Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on ELT in China, 599-608. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2002. At home in higher education: Making online education work for global women. In Christiane Floyd, Govind Kelkar, Silvie Klein-Grank, Cheris Kramarae, and Cirila Limpangog (Eds.), Feminist Challenges in the Information Age, 241-253. Opladen: Leske+Budrich.

孙有中、张薇、郭英剑、张莲、张虹、武光军、李佐文. 2017. 教研相长,做学者型优秀教师:“在教学中研究,在研究中发展”笔谈.《外语电化教学》, 第10期,3-8页 [CSSCI源刊]

张薇. 2016.《多语现象研究》(Topics in Multilingualism) 导读(《应用语言学年度评论》2013年第33卷),11-27. 北京: 商务印书馆.

张薇. 2013. 基于数字读写项目的学术英语模块化课程构建与实践.《外语教学理论与实践》,第2期,12-20页 [CSSCI源刊]

张薇. 2006. 英语数字素养的研究型评价模式. 《外语教学与研究》, 第2期, 115-121页. [CSSCI源刊]

张薇. 1994. 大学英语写作教学模式的新探索. 《金沙8888js官方学报》, 67-70页.



Zhang, Wei, Bolton, Kingsley and Botha, Werner. (forthcoming). English in People’s Republic of China. In Braj Kachru, Cecil Nelson, and Zoya Proshina (Eds.), The Handbook of World Englishes. Wiley Blackwell.

Bolton, Kingsley, Botha, Werner and Zhang, Wei (forthcoming). English in Contemporary China. In Kingsley Bolton and Thomas A. Kirkpatrick (Eds.), The Handbook of Asian Englishes. Wiley Blackwell.

Kramarae, Cheris and Zhang, Wei. 2015. Sexist language and sexuality. In Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, 1-4. Malden. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons. 

Zhang, Wei and Kramarae, Cheris. 2015. BOLD Ideas for creative social networking: An invitational discussion. In Dew Harrison (Ed.), IGI Global Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies, 417-429. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Zhang, Wei. 2000. Education: East Asia. In Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender (Eds.), Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Women's Global Issues and Knowledge, 491-494. New York: Routledge.



Gu Peiya, Hugh Murphey, Tim Jim, Jill Robbins, Dorothy Zemach and Zhang Wei. 2007. Integrating EFL Standards into Chinese Classroom Settings Series (作者按姓氏首字母排序). McGraw Hill, 外语教学与研究出版社.(丛书共四册,获第八届全国高校出版社优秀畅销书一等奖).



张薇. 1994. 木板、程序与艺术:作为一种雕塑工具的计算机图像.《世界美术》,第2期,42-44.

张薇. 1993. 危机中的美术学院. 《世界美术》第3期, 44-45.


主持国家社科基金青年项目“基于网络的大学英语研究性评价模式” (独立完成)

主持美国UB基金会 “英语新闻媒介素养合作教学” 项目

参与美国TESOL协会 “中国英语课程标准” 项目 (CEFLS)

参与德国国际女子大学“信息”项目(“未来教育” 子项目协调人)


英国SSCI期刊World Englishes (Google Scholar Metrics 英语语言与文学类第二位) 编委

美国期刊Computers & Composition编委

美国期刊Women & Language编委


2018 QS世界大学排名评议学者






2016年1月-7月 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU)(客座教授,讲授课程 Mastering Communication)

2011年9月-12月 香港城市大学 (CUHK)(客座副教授, 讲授课程 Discourse Analysis)

2003年夏季 纽约市立大学(CUNY)(兼职讲师, 讲授课程 Pedagogic Grammar)

2000年7月-10月 德国国际女子大学(IFU)(讲师, 与Cheris Kramarae合授课程 Intercultural Communication)



April 14, 2016. Slutwalk, metro, and audience agency. Department of English, National University of Singapore, Singapore (新加坡国立大学英语系).

March 31, 2016. Researching social address terms in contemporary China. Department of English, National University of Singapore, Singapore (新加坡国立大学英语系).

November 1, 2012. Celebrity activism in China’s social media world. Department of Art and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (挪威科技大学艺术与媒体研究系).

October 25, 2012. China’s celebrity activism online: Discourse in action. Center for Fashion Studies, Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm (瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学媒体研究系).

November 3, 2011. Are Chinese women turning sharp-tongued? Department of English, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (香港城市大学英语系). [with Cheris Kramarae]

December 15, 2010. Digital literacy assessment: The project approach. School of Foreign Languages, Hue University, Hue, Vietnam (越南顺化大学外语学院).



June 30-July 2, 2017. English in the subway-transport landscape of Beijing. Paper presented at The 22nd Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), Syracuse University, New York. 

October 23-26, 2013. Women, metro, and netizens: Marketing sex and changing cultures. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. [with Cheris Kramarae]

June 10-13, 2013. Multilingualism and hybridization on China’s Social Internet. Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB9), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

December 6-9, 2012. Mixed-code interactions in China’s social media communities. Paper presented at The 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE), City University of Hong Kong and Sun Yay-Sen University, Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

October 15-16, 2011. Are Chinese women turning sharp-tongued? Paper presented at Gender and Language Workshop: Doing Gender On- and Off-Line, Peking University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Beijing. [with Cheris Kramarae]

May 19-21, 2011. Citizens are not bai3xing4 (百姓): A corpus-based CDA inquiry of a social identity label in China. Paper presented at Discourse and Transnational Identities: The Fourth International Roundtable on Discourse Analysis, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

May 9-13, 2011. English news media literacy: A collaborative teaching project (with Van Huy Nguyen). Paper presented at Discovering Local Knowledge in the 21st Century: Connecting Classrooms to the World, Miriam College, Quezon City, Metro Manila. [with Nguyen Van Huy]

October 15-18, 2009. Women, big ideas, and social networking: Seven provocative questions. Paper presented at The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. [with Cheris Kramarae]

December 23-24, 2006. 数字读写能力评价范式与对外汉语教学评价改革. “首届中青年学者汉语教学国际学术研讨会”,金沙8888js官方.

November 16-19, 2006. Learner perceptions of the use of Weblog as an e-learning platform. Paper presented at The 3rd PacCALL Conference, Nanjing University, Nanjing.

May 22-25, 2004. Assessing digital literacy skills for a new College English curriculum. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on ELT in China, Beijing. [with Clifford Hill]