

  • 姓名:冯硕
  • 职称:助理教授、研究员
  • 导师类别:博士研究生导师
  • 电子邮箱:shuo.feng at pku.edu.cn


2009-2013年 华中师范大学学士(翻译)

2013-2015年  威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校硕士(Applied English Linguistics)

2015-2019年  威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校博士(English Language and Linguistics)


2015年9月-2016年5月 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校英语系助教

2016年9月-2018年5月 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校英语系 Second Language Acquisition Lab 研究助理

2018年9月-2019年5月 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校英语系讲师

2019年8月至今 金沙8888js官方外国语言学及应用语言学研究所,助理教授、研究员




1. Feng, S. (forthcoming). Scalar implicatures. In T. Ionin, S. Montrul & R. Slabakova (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax and Semantic. Routledge

2. Li, Y. R. & Feng, S*. (2023). Chinese comprehenders’ interpretation of underinformativeness in L1 and L2 accented speech narratives. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1040162. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1040162 (SSCI) (*Corresponding author)

3. 冯硕. (2023). 二语等级含义加工中的记忆负荷效应。《语言学研究》 (CSSCI)

4. Feng, S. (2022). L2 tolerance of pragmatic violations of informativeness: Evidence from ad hoc implicatures and contrastive inference. Linguistic Approach to Bilingualism, https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.21064.fen (SSCI)

5. 冯硕. (2021). 中国英语学习者对预设与等级含义的加工机制研究。《现代外语》44(6), 791-803 (CSSCI)

6. Feng, S. (2021). The computation and suspension of presuppositions by L1-Mandarin Chinese L2-English speakers. Second Language Research 38(4), 737-763.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0267658321993873 (SSCI)

7. Feng, S. (2020). Review of Changing minds changing tools: From learning theory to language acquisition to language change. Chinese Language and Discourse 11(2), 365-371. 

8. 郑萱,冯硕,张泽宙,徐彤. (2020). “新冠肺炎”对地域文化定型的影响—“武汉”心理意义考察。《天津外国语大学学报》,27(4)

9. Feng S. (2019). The acquisition of English definite noun phrases by L1-Mandarin Chinese speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41(4), 881-896. doi:10.1017/S0272263118000323 (SSCI)

10. Feng, S.*, & Cho, J. (2019). Asymmetries between direct and indirect scalar implicatures in second language acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00877 (SSCI)


1. 2020年国家社会科学基金青年项目“语义-语用接口上等级含义和预设的二语习得研究”,主持人(目前在研)

2. 2020年金沙8888js官方人文社科人才启动项目“二语语言信息的习得与加工”,主持人(目前在研)

3. 金沙8888js官方人文学科文库出版基金“实验语义学与语用学的语言习得和加工研究”,主持人(目前在研)

4. 2021年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“二语语用中的观点采择机制研究”,项目成员(目前在研)

5. 2021年金沙8888js官方本科教学改革项目“大学英语课《批判性思维与学术写作》的课程建设”,主持人 (已结项)

6. 金沙8888js官方社会科学部“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控攻关专项”(7100602964)新冠肺炎对文化定型的影响—“武汉”心理意义考察,项目成员

7. 北大教师教学发展中心在线教学优秀案例项目,“大学英语写作在线教学探索”,项目成员


匿名审稿:Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Research, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, Linguistic approach to Bilingualism, Applied Psycholinguistics,Journal of Second Language Studies, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,《现代外语》, 《语言学研究》等


本科生课程:批判性思维与学术写作 (Critical Thinking & Academic Writing)

研究生课程:第二语言习得 (Second Language Acquisition)、语言学学术写作 (Academic Writing for Linguistic Students)


1. Feng, S. L2 processing of scalar implicature at the semantics-pragmatics interface. 第三届华中外国语言学论坛,武汉,2021

2. Feng, S. Xu, T. Li, Y. R. Deriving scalar implicatures in first and second language: from a pragmatic tolerance perspective. 第五届《当代外语研究》第二语言加工国际研讨会,大连,2021

3. Feng, S. Deriving pragmatic inferences in a non-native language: An experiment on presuppositions and scalar implicatures. 语言认知科学国际学术会议, Beijing, 2021

4. Feng, S. L2 acquisition at the semantics-pragmatics interface, SLA conference, Peking University, Beijing, 2019

5. Feng, S. L2 acquisition at the semantics-pragmatics interface: An experiment on presuppositions and scalar implicatures. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA15), University of Nevada at Reno, USA, 2019     

6. Feng, S., Cho, J. Direct and indirect scalar implicatures in second language acquisition: An experiment on sometimes and not always. 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New York, USA, 2019

7. Feng, S. The acquisition of presuppositions by L1-Mandarin Chinese speakers: An experiment on stop. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America Conference (GALANA-8). Indiana University at Bloomington, USA, 2018

8. Feng, S. Less vs. fewer: a comparative analysis of corpora, style manuals, usage dictionaries and online forums. Linguistic Conference at University of Georgia (LCUGA4), USA, 2017

9. Feng, S. Beyond Feature Reassembly: L1-Mandarin speakers' acquisition of English definite noun phrases. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA14). University of Southampton, UK, 2017