

  • 姓名:胡旭辉
  • 职称:长聘副教授、研究员
  • 导师类别:博士研究生导师
  • 电子邮箱:xhu819ATpku.edu.cn



















Hu, Xuhui. (2018) Encoding Events: Functional Structure and Variation (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

胡旭辉(主著). 2023. 《普通语言学新发展研究》。北京:清华大学出版社

Hu, Xuhui. (under contract). Linguistics Through Chinese. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

胡旭辉 (forthcoming). 《生成构式语法理论研究》。北京:金沙8888js官方出版社.




1.Hu, Xuhui (forthcoming) Antisymmetry, Morphological Merger, and Chinese resultative compounding. Studies in Chinese Linguistics.
2.Chen, Yifan & Xuhui, Hu (forthcoming) Pragmatic ellipsis and its pragmatic consequences: Chinese ye-shi (‘also be’) at the syntax-pragmatics interface. East Asian Pragmatics.
3.胡旭辉. (2024)语言官能与外部世界的联结:基于生成语言学的语言模型初探。外语教学与研究(3)
4.Hu, Xuhui. (2024) Bundling telicity, verbal quantification, and perfective aspect : A study on lə in Yixing Chinese. Journal of Linguistics 60(2): 325 - 361..
5.Hu, Xuhui & Joseph, Perry (2024) Multifunctionality and Contextual Realization: A Case Study in Yixing Chinese. Linguistic Variation. (Published online: 4 March 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.1075/lv.22013.per)
6.Hu, Xuhui. (2022) Same root, different categories: Encoding directions in Chinese. Linguistic Inquiry (53): 41-85.
7.Hu, Xuhui. (2022) Property, possession, and adjectives. In P. Panagiotidis & M. Mitrovic (eds.), A0: The Lexical Status of Adjectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
8.Hu, Xuhui. (2022) Predicate formation in the XS-Model. In Linnaea Stockall, Luisa Marti, David Adger, Isabelle Roy & Sarah Ouwayda (eds.), For Hagit: A Celebration. QMUL Occasional Papers in Linguistics (47).
9.Hu, X. & Liu, Y. (2021) Plural Events and the Progressive Particle in Dalad Chinese, and the Final-over- Final Condition. Journal of East Asian Linguistics (30): 1-37.
10.胡旭辉(2021) 生成构式语法理论:构词、事件结构与名词结构. 《语言学研究》(31).

11.Li, Min & Hu, Xuhui. (2021) English Major Education in China: A Chronological Analysis. Onomázein.
12.Hu, Xuhui. (2020) Functional items, lexical meaning and telicity. A Parameter Hierarchy based approach to the parameters of telicity. In A. Barany et al (eds.), Clausal Architecture and Its Consequences. Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives. Berlin: Language Science Press.
13.胡旭辉.(2019) 英法中动结构:最简方案下的参数化研究。外语教学与研究(1)
14.胡旭辉. (2019) 跨语言视角下的汉语中动句研究。当代语言学(1)(人大复印资料《语言文字学》全文转载).
15.Hu, Xuhui & Perry, Joseph. (2018) The Syntax and phonology of non-compositional compounds in Yixing Chinese. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory (NLLT)(3).
17.Hu, Xuhui. (2017) The syntax of negative questions and their answers in Chinese and English. In Si, Fuzhen. (ed.) Studies on Syntactic Cartography. Beijing: Social Sciences in China Press.
18.Hu, Xuhui. (2017) Words and Morphology. 胡壮麟主编《语言学教程》(第五版)第三章。北京:金沙8888js官方出版社。
19.胡旭辉 (2017) 指示语。陈新仁主编,《汉语语用学》。广州:暨南大学出版社。

22.Hu, Xuhui. (2015) English resultatives revisited. Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 7, 135-157.
23.胡旭辉 (2014)英语致使结构:最简方案下的研究及相关理论问题。外语教学与研究 (4). (人大复印资料《语言文字学》全文转载)
24.胡旭辉、陈新仁(2014)批评语篇分析的关联视角. 外语学刊(1).
25.胡旭辉(2014)生成句法理论与语用学研究互补性初探. 浙江金沙8888js官方学报(4).
26.胡旭辉(2013)Evans与Levinson“文化-生物混合理论”介绍与反思. 外语教学与研究(2).
27.Hu, Xuhui. (2013) An interface-based approach to English causative alternation. Proceedings of 2013 Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar.
28.胡旭辉(2012)认知和生成学派视角下的构式理论对比研究--以构式语法和第一语段句法为例. 外国语(3).(人大复印资料《语言文字学》全文转载).
29.胡旭辉、景晓平(2011)“跨文化交际与语用学”,何自然等编著,《语用学十二讲》. 上海:华东师范大学出版社.
30.胡旭辉(2009)汉语话题结构制约的认知语义与语用研究. 外国语(3).
31.胡旭辉(2008)关联理论与乔姆斯基语言学共性初探及反思. 外语学刊(2).
32.胡旭辉(2008)汉语存现句的认知语法研究. 江苏外语教学与研究(4).
33.胡旭辉(2008)“中国大学生对外语文化的认同”,陈新仁主编,《全球化语境下的外语教育与民族认同》. 北京:高等教育出版社.


1. 国家社科基金一般项目:“基于宜兴方言的新构式语法理论研究”主持人

2. 北大人文学科文库基金:“句法、语用界面研究”主持人

3. 北大人文学科文库基金:“生成构式语法理论研究” 主持人

4. 国家社科基金重大项目:“基于多学科视域的认知研究”项目组成员

5. 国家社科基金重大项目:“生成语法的汉语研究与新时代汉语语法理论创新”项目组成员

6. 金沙8888js官方文科科研创新项目:“论元结构的句法本质:理论构建与跨语言分析”主持人

7. 金沙8888js官方教材建设项目:《句法学教程》主持人


1. 《语言学研究》(CSSCI集刊)主编

2. 中国英汉比较研究会形式语言学专业委员会副会长

3. Journal of East Asian Linguistics编委

4. 金沙8888js官方汉语哲学研究中心成员


6. 剑桥-香港中文大学联合双语实验室,校外成员

7. 塞浦路斯大学形容词研究项目 “The Categorial Status of Adjectives”校外成员

8. 匿名审稿: Linguistic Inquiry; Natural Language & Linguistic Theory; Journal of Linguistics; Journal of East Asian Linguistics; Language & Linguistics; Studia Linguistica; Journal of Psycholinguistic Research; Linguistic Variation; Journal of Historical Syntax; The Linguistic Review; Studies in Chinese Linguistics; International Journal of Chinese linguistics; 《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》、《当代语言学》、《现代外语》、《语言学研究》;《北京第二金沙8888js官方学报》、《天津金沙8888js官方学报》、《浙江金沙8888js官方学报》





11/ 2022, On the derivation of predicates in syntax (主旨报告). 第六届大夏跨学派语言学论坛. 华东师范大学,上海

09/2022,On the Nature of Predicates and Light Verbs (with Joseph Perry). Wu Dialect Colloquium, Fudan University and Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China

02/2022, Concept Formation in Syntax: A Case Study in Chinese ‘Compact Constructs’ (with Qi Hao). Cambridge SyntaxLab Talk, University of Cambridge, UK

12/2021, A Head of Two Features: Rethinking the Nature of the Plural marker -men and the Division Head in Chinese DP (with Yingyi Li). LingLunch Talk, Queen Mary University of London, UK

11/2021, Locative Relation, Vocabulary Items, and Analyticity Degree. The 9th International Workshop of Formal Linguistics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

10/2021, The Syntactic Bedrock of Existential Constructions. The 4th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography, Beijing University of Language and Culture, Beijing, China.

11/2019,When Telicity, Perfect Aspect, and Verbal Quantification Come Together. 第七届现代 汉语句法语义前沿研讨会. 广东外语外贸大学;

11/2019,多元文明视角下的方言保护—理论语言学的视角. 北京论坛. 金沙8888js官方;

10/2019,Multifunctionality and Contextual Allomorphy (with Joe Perry). The 3rd International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography. 北京语言大学,主会场报告;

10/2018: Property Concept, Possession, and Adjectives. The A0 Workshop: The Categorial Status of Adjectives. University of Cyprus, 特邀主旨报告;

12/2017,Motion Event Constructions and Analyticity Parameter. International Conference on Bilingualism: Language and Heritage. Chinese University of Hong Kong,特邀报告;

10/2017,Chinese Motion Event Constructions and the Verb/Satellite-framed Typology. General Session Speech. The 2nd International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography. BLCU, Beijing . 北京语言大学,主会场报告

05/2017,On the Chinese Qilai Middle Construction. 探寻语言的架构论坛,浙江大学,主旨报告;

07/ 2016. The syntax of inner aspect and the nature of verbal le in Chinese. The 24th Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics, BLCU, Beijing, China;

12/2015,The Syntax of Yes/No Questions and Their Answers in Chinese and English. The 1st International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography. BLCU, Beijing, China;

10/2015,Chinese Existential Constructions at the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface. Keynote Speech。第十四届全国语用学研讨会,安徽大学,主旨报告;

09/2015,The Syntax and Phonology of Non-canonical Objects in Yixing Chinese (with Joe Perry). Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), (英国语言学会年会)2015 Annual Meeting. UCL, London;

05/2014,The Syntax and Phonology of Non-compositional Compounds in Yixing Chinese(with Joe Perry). GLOW in Asia X. 台湾清华大学。